Working together hand in hand with experts, volunteers, and committed individuals worldwide and across a wide range of fields, the KELhealth Group encompasses the charitable body of healthcare start-ups and medical professionals who espouse our values to keep our movement going.
Entrepreneur Kim Lim leveraged on her privileged status to render support to the underprivileged, the needy and the voiceless in Singapore. Holding charitable initiatives for several needy communities in Singapore, Kim and KELhealth joined forces to provide food and home essentials, as well as working together with local programmes such as Project HomeWorks to improve the quality of lives for underprivileged Singaporeans.
With the support of generous benefactors, we have spearheaded a culture of social efforts to aid the elderly and the needy.
Billionaire Heiress Kim Lim Is Delivering Food To Frontline Medical Workers Weekly To Thank Them For Their Hard Work (
Billionaire Heiress Kim Lim Is Delivering Food To Frontline Medical Workers Weekly To Thank Them For Their Hard Work - TODAY (